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趁著夏天,趕著溫暖的好天氣直奔海邊去。抵達Santa Cruz之後,朋友說先去繞繞University of California, Santa Cruz。從校門進入之後,映入眼簾的畫面卻是一片草原,開車一段之後進入森林,看著建築物穿插在森林內,彼此建築物之間有著山中小徑接連著。讓人很有印象的是有一區學生宿舍的風格如同嬉皮一樣,是採貨櫃車當作房間,各自都有各自的小庭園,雖說僅僅三十戶左右,但風格大相逕庭,有種體驗不同生活的感受。

Santa Cruz beach除了本身的beach外,旁邊有個Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk Park,所以假日非常歡騰,如果開車的話,建議可以停在稍遠的地方,免得身受找不到車位之苦。樂園本身沒有門票,只針對搭乘設施才收費。這個Park大概就是所謂常見的遊樂場,遊樂設施外,也有射飛鏢等等的遊戲,冰淇淋、棉花糖等的攤販也不可少,假日算是家庭非常適合的好去處。至於beach本身興許考量會有不少孩子來海邊玩,在海邊之前還有兩個似乎是人工出來的湖,不少人會泡在這裡的水裡,連海鷗都靠在水邊。真正的海邊也不少人玩,遠處也有著玩帆船的,儘管是夏天,這海水還是非常冰冷,所以自己來這完全只是吹風行程。不過就海邊而言,還是南加比較漂亮。

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Stanford University 創辦於1891年,創辦人當初是因為紀念他們的而子而創立這間學校。故在校園旁,有紀念這對父母及他兒子的雕像,還有他兒子的陵墓。陵墓附近還有著名雕塑「Angle of Grief」。

學校內還有Cantor Arts Center,裡面共有27間展覽室,主要展出歐洲、亞洲、美洲、大洋洲等現代藝術及畫作,裡面也包含史丹佛家族自家收藏品。另外這藝術中心收藏著羅丹兩百多件的雕塑創作,在學校內的加萊義民也是羅丹作品。

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適逢春假,就搭著朋友的順風車,估計能夠看些還沒看過的風景。往常去LA都開I-5,花費時間較少,但唯獨風景少了些有趣。這次想著不妨走走海岸線,改走Cabrillo Highway,風景果然很不一般。

Monterey的碼頭挺熱鬧的,有點像舊金山的39號碼頭,但這裡的餐廳都會在店門口提供巧達濃湯讓人品嚐。畢竟是旅途的第一站,格外興奮地和朋友點半隻龍蝦、蟹、巧達濃湯等,彈牙的口感、滿溢的鮮味,坐在窗邊看見那海、那停泊在碼頭邊的帆船,這陣子沉浸在書堆中生活彷彿隨風飄散而去。Cabrillo Highway沿途的海都非常美,那淺藍、深藍的海水美到不真實,本來想著估計整趟就是數不盡的海,難以想像海芋會在路途中出現,在沙灘上曬著陽光的成群海象,還有就在海邊旁的瀑布。原先想著去Santa Barbara,結果被這沿路的美景推遲下來後就趕不及,只能直接去朋友的朋友家。

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這次行程主要就是碼頭之旅。Ferry Building大約在Pier2的位置,就決定從這裡一路漫步Pier39及Pier45。渡輪大廈的建築物是一座米白色鐘樓,一樓聚集非常多的商店,搭配假日前來擺攤的農夫市集,著實可以打發不少時間。嘴裡咀嚼著熱騰騰的餐點、遠眺著海灣大橋,身邊盡是完全不怕人的海鷗佇立著,讓陽光曬著、讓話語聲隨著空氣飄散著,比起行程緊湊地蒐集觀光處,此刻有點像居住在這裡的人一般,就只是放空著腦袋,用心感受著閒適的瞬間。

Pier 39的歡樂總讓人感覺來到遊樂園。有小型的旋轉木馬、小型的3D劇場、電動玩具場、小型的表演劇場,還具備水族館,周遭更是充斥著以蝦蟹為主的餐廳及販賣棉花糖、汽水的攤位,另外在碼頭端則躺著懶洋洋、不時發出些叫聲的海獅們。這碼頭很適合帶小孩子來這裡遊玩,既可有遊樂園氣氛又不會有遊樂園排也排不完的隊伍。

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Cliff house現下是一家座落在海邊懸崖上的一家餐廳。去舊金山閒晃時就只是來這家有著漂亮海景的餐廳嚐鮮,主要是去經典景點金門大橋和迪士尼博物館。但在餐廳內有些歷史照片,才體悟到這裡記錄著曾經繁華而又沒落的過去。簡述之,就是當年有人將治安不良之處打造成富有多功能設施的維多利亞建築,此舉非常成功,頗富盛名,但歷經地震、火災等摧毀,如今的建築是後人重建,在餐廳不遠處還有當年游泳池的遺址。

Golden Gate Bridge是舊金山地標,就連星巴克城市杯都不忘放上這專屬舊金山的標誌。從外觀上來看就是一座橋,但其建造的難處就在於要對抗強烈的海風、濃霧等,更提供灣區的交通便利,建造於1937年。金門大橋之所以吸引人來並非是有特別的美,而是在建築上的成就。親身看到這建築,會驚艷于它非凡的創舉,深深佩服設計師Joseph B. Strauss.

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ASSSSCAT, the Upright Citizens Brigade's improv juggernaut that has played to critical acclaim and sold out audiences in New York City for the past ten years, has landed in Los Angeles.  So what exactly is ASSSSCAT?  Well, it starts with a group of improv comedians currently working in film and television taking the stage accompanied by a special guest monologist. Some guest monologists are talented celebrities, others are screwed up weirdos.  Either way, they usually have great stories to tell.  We take a suggestion from the audience, then the show begins.  The special guest shares off-the-cuff thoughts, feelings, and personal remembrances inspired by the suggestion.  The improvisers in turn use this impromptu monologue as fodder for a series of high octane, balls-to-the-wall improvised sketches that have made this show one of the longest running improv shows in the history of the world.

Featuring a rotating cast of: Matt Besser, Ian Roberts, Matt Walsh, Sean Conroy, Andrew Daly, Lauren Lapkus, Joe Wengert and Zach Woods, plus special guest improvisers and monologist.

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Actually my friend has no motivation to go to Joshua Tree National Park, but the only reason to plan here is that it locaed near our way to home. My friend thought he would not go there, so that is why we think it might be our opportunity to Joshua Tree National Park. The park has two kinds of deserts, and therefore northern park is full of Joshua tree, and southern park is filled with Cactus. Seeing the change of plant is interesting, and I felt that every kind of plant also has its territory in the world of plants. 

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This is not my first time to go to Yosemite National Park. Last time I went there was three years ago, and it was a summer time, everything looked different from what I saw this time. I was looking forward seeing how it would be in the winter, and I also wanted to go skiing, so I went to the Park again. The cover photo was two snowmen. One was made by someone, and the little one was made by me. Making a snowman is very interesting. At firtst, make a snow ball, grab more snow and combine them, roll the snow ball on the ground. It would be biger and biger. Find some materials such like branchesa and pinecones, and make the face, the clothes, and the arms. Making snowmen is a very fun thing in the winter, especially in snow days.


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At first, my friend's friend says there is a campfire in LA, I am so surprised because I always think the campfire will be held in the countryside. When we all together went there, we found it was not as big as we thought before. Only few people sat or stood around the campfire, and one person said some stories. Although we are so surprised, I am still curious about the event. Actually someone came from a place which he spent one hour driving to the park.

Marsh Park is a three acre park adjacent to the Los Angeles River in the Elysian Valley neighborhood of Los Angeles. Part of the Los Angeles River Greenway, the park is located adjacent to the nine-mile section of the 51-mile Los Angeles River known as the Glendale Narrows that has a natural “soft bottom,” instead of a concrete floor. This allows native river plants and animals to thrive as if the river were in its natural state. The park provides river access, and a stellar view of the Verdugo Hills, as well as picnic grounds, a grassy area, and nature-themed children's play equipment.

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Desert hills is not as big as camerillo outlets. There are two blocks, but most famous shop are also here. Many people like to go shopping on this outlets, so I chose the outlets. I haven't been to outlets on special holidays, and my friend told me that there will be good sale in thanksgiving day. Actually the great sale begins from the midnight of thanksgiving, but we don't want to be crowd the oulets. We went to the outlets on Saturday morning. They still sell everything at good prices. When I bought coach bags for my sister, I totally got shock. The handbags are cheaper than those in most days of year.


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Last time I went to San Diego, I had no time to visit the theme park, so during thanksgiving holiday, I go to the park with my friend. I would say it is very awesome. Although we were heading there, it was raining at the same time. It didn't matter because we will still be wet inside the park. In addition, to celebrate christmas, there are many christmas decorations, reindeers, and Sanda Claus. Importantly, they built a snow world. They make snow, and everyone can play snowfight there.



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I have no idea what would people remind of when San Diego comes to their mind. But this time I went to San diego, and I chose four places to play. I think four places are good to visit. The first place is La Jolla Beach. There are many seals. When I went there, I found some seals bask themselve on the rocks. It is interesting to see a seal tries to climb the rock. They are so cute although they just lie on the rock. 


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Raise a Glass and Toast 100 Years of Water and Culture in L.A.

Join us as we celebrate the 100th anniversary of the Los Angeles Aqueduct and the Natural History Museum with commemorations, events and a new art exhibition.

FREE DAYS AT NHM this Fall -- November 5 and 6, 2013

Free admission on both days!. Every visitor will receive a bottle of water commemorating the opening of the L.A. Aqueduct and have the chance to be a part of the next 100 years by signing a register destined for a new time museum time capsule. Sponsored by Metabolic Studio 

Just Add Water opens in Rotunda Gallery

NHM presents large-scale watercolor works by Los Angeles artist Rob Reynolds, inspired by the L.A. Aqueduct that brought water to a thirsty region. Support provided by the James Irvine Foundation 

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From the movie studio that invented the horror film genre, one of LA's premier Halloween events is turning up the terror like never before. Based on the best, most frightening films, television series and music, experience new immersive mazes during Halloween Horror Nights® 2013 at Universal Studios Hollywood

  • The Walking Dead: No Safe Haven
  • Evil Dead: Book of the Dead
  • Insidious: Into the Further
  • El Cucuy: The Boogeyman
  • Black Sabbath: 13-3D
  • Universal Monsters Remix: Resurrection featuring the Music of Figure

For the first time ever, the urban movie sets of the world-famous production backlot will be the backdrop for new mazes and scare zones. Imagine making your way on foot through the isolated city streets and alleys of the backlot with scenes and walkers from Season 3 of AMC's hit series The Walking Dead, along with a nightmarish landscape of doom inspired by Black Sabbath's album, 13

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My friend says it is the biggest one of outlets in LA. Because my shoes is broken, I visited the oulet and bought one shoes for myself. Most shops have discount for their products, and finally we bought a lot. The prices sometimes drove us crazy to do unbelievable things. I paid 3.99 USD buying one pant. Amazing! It took a whole day to go shopping. A good way to save time is go there earlier or pick some shops. It was my first time, so I visited most shops. I also visited Coach, which my sister favorites. I found some products there looked great, but there is not much discount. Maybe on thanksgiving holiday it would be good price, but I am not sure whether is a good idea to visit outlets on holidays.


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Farmer's market usually be held everywhere, so I jsut went to the market near where I have stayed. When I went to US first time, my friend told me that he wanted to take me the market. It was little like Taiwan's market. They sell fruit, vegetable, and beef. Also, they sell beverage and some cooked food. 


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The Downtown Los Angeles Art Walk is a free, self-guided walking tour located between 4th and 7th and Spring and Main along with galleries, restaurants and bars in several surrounding blocks of Downtown Los Angeles.

The Downtown LaA Art Walk was founded in 2004 with a handful of galleries located in Gallery Row as a platform to encourage Los Angelenos from all over the city to visit Downtown LA by inviting galleries to stay open late once a month. Since then the Downtown LA Art Walk has become the most prominent event in the local community and widely known through the Greater Los Angeles area.

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This is my first time to test wine in US. It is really fun and fianlly I have to say I got drunk. I visited five places to test the wines.
The first testing room is in Los Olivos. The store name is Saarloos and Sons, and the andress is 2971 Grand Ave. Its specialty is cupcake.

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