目前分類:Restaurant 城裡的人想逃出去 (10)

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以中式餐點居多的城市來說,Fremont算是其中佼佼者之一。但Fremont挺大的,喜愛的餐館座落在不同的區塊裡,很難一起記錄,不過Warm Springs blvd這的區塊是目前最常去的,加上這裡的招牌還標示著「小台北」,故介紹一下表達思鄉的心情才是。

圖左的店名是boiling Point沸點臭臭鍋,圖右的店名是小台北。沸點跟台灣的「三媽」之類的臭臭鍋風格類似,沸點在南加州和西雅圖都有店面,這家是北加州第一家分店。當初會跑來這小區吃飯也是因為看到沸點的招牌,不過等到開幕也等將近四個月。沸點算是非常道地的台灣味,裡面的醬料、火鍋食材,連同臭豆腐,都讓人可以感受到台灣食物的感覺。在台灣,臭臭鍋只能說是好吃,還不到愛吃的程度,如今在他鄉,以思鄉酌味,更讓人難以忘懷。「小台北」的食物就以台菜為主,天冷片尋不著羊肉爐或薑母鴨之際,倒也可以來這裡嚐鮮。味道都還蠻符合自己預期的,吃起來也挺香,不過羊肉爐的湯底倒出乎意料之外的不是當歸湯底,比較偏向人蔘為湯底,但別有一番滋味,也確實暖活身子。不過話說這家外場的服務生不多,所以很容易無法招呼到客人。

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先說說這一帶的日本料理。左邊三張圖的店是Tomi Sushi,右邊的店則是Nigi Sushi。兩家店的價格都還算合理,食物挺不錯吃。Tomi Sushi店面比較小,稍為晚去點的話,可能就得等久點。兩家店都會免費附上熱茶,在日本,附上熱茶算是一般,但在美國,有些店面的熱茶是需要另外收費的。Nigi這家店主要就是以壽司著名,尤其在看到各式各樣的卷之後,內心真有種不得不嚐一下的念頭。內餡有天婦羅炸蝦,最外面又像握壽司一般的附上生魚片,雖然也挺好吃的,不過炸蝦終究還是有點搶戲,但僅管如此,對於想多方嚐試的人倒也是一種選擇。Tomi這家店比較沒有Nigi那種變化多端的卷,反而多了點正統的日本味,印象中每天都有個定食是有特價的,當初點烏龍麵的時候,還送上天婦羅蔬菜,因為菜單上真的有天婦羅烏龍麵,當下心驚一下,後來卻真的是附的餐點。就像Nigi餐後奉上一點水果一樣,這樣的意外之喜讓人不由自主地開心。

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比起這幾年雨後春筍般冒出的早午餐店而言,Oilily 這家早午餐屬於比較早期就存在的店。印象中,早期的早午餐店對於前菜、主菜,乃至飲品等會端上客人面前的餐點都頗注重,但這幾回與家母嘗試些新興的早午餐店,總有種令人失望的感受,往往都只剩下主菜還維持品質,最後的飲品往往都走樣。不願再給新店機會的家母,遂而回頭吃這家值與量都好的店。



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Cafe Loft 13 除了賣早午餐以外,也有賣午餐及晚餐。早午餐供應到十一點,之後就轉為午餐的菜單。朋友說這家店有接受Dawn Room指導,因為之前朋友I對Dawn Room印象挺好,故也想來嘗試這家早午餐。

朋友點濃湯,自己則是點柳橙汁。濃湯不錯,柳橙汁則算是有果肉的美粒果飲品程度,但並非真的是完全現榨版本。生菜的部份,提供千島、凱薩、油醋及無醬料。生菜的部份,很難說出比較不同的部份,說起來,個人最愛的是Oilily的橙汁醬。因為朋友I點的是厚片土司,個人則因為之前與朋友C聊到Egg Benedict,所以特別想嘗試看看。份量來說,反倒是厚片土司的份量較多,但班尼迪克蛋較為特別,搭配上荷蘭醬及英式馬芬,剖開之後蛋液與麵包及醬汁融合一起,感覺挺不錯。飲品點杯熱卡布奇諾,奶泡打的綿密,咖啡本身也不賴,有精神為之一振的感覺。咖啡可加價續杯,但整體而言,其實價格算不低,NT280/客。朋友I覺得與Dawn Room的餐點,或許因為技術指導,大致上皆同。

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There is a famous cake store named as Deep Blue in Tainan. The famous cake is mille crepes. Because one friend came back Taiwan, I bought cakes to celebrate her birthday. By the way, I also bought two cakes for myself. One flavor is Japanese green tea with red beans, and the other flavor is caramel. Actually my another friend told me that the cakes taste better than the cakes in Lady M which is in New York city. The cakes taste really delicious, although I have not eaten any cakes in Lady M, I dinifintely think mille crepes here are worth trying.

They tasted not too sweet, and cakes make me want to try more after eating them. People can realize their ingrendent of cakes are good after eating them. The green tea with red beans cake tasted so yummy. Someone who loves Japanese green tea would also like the cake. When the cake was inside the mouth, I smelled little green tea. And the rea bean make the cake not be boring. I really like the flavor. The caramel is delicious, but comparing with the green tea one, it was not much special for me.  The shop provides many kinds of flavors cakes. Next time I will try another flavor. The store has opened for many years, and they always maintain their products' quality. That is why I really like the shop.

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Strictly Speaking, there are many restaurants here, and I didn't taste all of them. Korean food, Japanese food, and Taiwanese food. Because little osaka is not far from where I stayed, I usually go there to grab some food if I want to eat out. In US, many people use "yelp" app to search good restaurants. My friend decided which one we can go by yelp. The way to use app is a good choice, and actually sometimes the restaurants which tour books recommend are not good.


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Boiling Point is one of reataurant which sells Taiwanese food. They sell hot pots, tea, and shaved ice. Because I stayed LA for a long time, I cannot go out to have meals everyday. When I go out, I usually have meals in Little Osaka. One of restaurants which I have been to many times and not in little osaka is boiling point. Actually the style of the restaurant is like "三媽臭臭鍋." It is a good place to feel hometown's food. The other restaurant which I have been to and sells Taiwanese food is in eastern of LA. I forgot its name. Maybe I always cook Taiwanes food, so I didn't go to many Taiwan's restaurants.

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Actually I didn't know the restaurant before, and when I chated with my sister on skype, she told me that it was introduced on "食尚玩家"pragram. The hostes on TV said it was very famous in LA. After getting the information, I checked if it is true with my friend.  To my amazment, my friend said it was true. The first one is in little Tokyo, and the other one is in Venice. They sell hot dogs and beers, and their food gained lots of fans. Because of avoiding their rush hours, my friend said the best way to visit the store is to visit on 11 am in the saturday morning. People usually get up late, and they have lunch lately.


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The store is my favorite store in Culver City. They sells coffee, tea, and cocoa, and they also provide breakfast. My friend usually buy raw beans from the store, and I remembered the odor smells so good when I went into the shop. Not only are bean good, but also tea leaf looks great. The shop is not big, and many people go there. If anyone wants to go there, maybe go there earlier.


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Cactus is a restaurant in Kirkland. Happy hour is from 3 pm to 6 pm, so someone drinks wine at cheaper price during that time. I want to sit outdoor, so I still pay the original price. It sells America and Mexico food, and it tastes delicious. I would say that people there express relax feelings, and it seems nothing bad everyday. Eating there also make me feel good.


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