目前分類:Murmur 托毒合瘡 (5)

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Mjellyfish 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()




Mjellyfish 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


I attended the Halloween Parede yesterday. I made such a big mistake. I took my passport and camera with me, and I put them in my pocket of jacket. At first, I still kept cautions when seeing all costumes which people wore. Around 11pm, I walked in front of stage, and I danced there. At next moment, I couldn't find my camera and passport. There were few minutes. I was very sad, and I didn't pay any attention on costumes. I wanted my camera and passport. It recalled me that its saying" 樂極生悲" The other thing made me so sad is my toefl scores. I almost reached the standerd scores, but I failed. Actually I had one moment to give up. My friend still gave comfort, and wanted me to face thing positively. 

Today I woke up and met some friends which knew what happened to me last night. Although I have friends with them not for a long time, they still want to help me. I would say I am totally a fool. It is impossible to find out a safe place. Although most people here are good, bad guys will show up in some places. And I can't take passport with me in the crowd. You never know what happen at next minute.

Mjellyfish 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

I saw the video in TED, and it is really awesome.

Through the talk which looks like artist's work, I really get what he talked to people. Recently, I stay in US, and I have much time thinking who I am. The actions and the talking I chated with other people are not what I did in Taiwan. I always think if people there see what I did in Taiwan, they would be so surprise at what they see. Because I am ashame on myself for presenting myself so badly, I deny the one who I am here. When I see the video, I am thinking that I failed to speak English well like other people because I am closely who I am. I need to accept what I looks now, and I will feel comfortable with other people.

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  • Oct 21 Mon 2013 03:21
  • 不響




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