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從台灣回美國之後,趁著暑假就想著多些跑步的時間,正逢朋友參加舊金山馬拉松破自己個人最佳紀錄,故激起自己也在這個暑假多跑步來破自己個人紀錄。開學的第一個週末有場在舊金山舉辦的比賽,想著時間恰好,故遂而決定這場Giant Race。

六月底開始恢復成一周至少跑三次的練習量,七月漸漸將距離從3 miles拉長到6 miles,到八月的時節也能夠跑9 miles的長度;速度的部分,則從最初的平均9分半/mile,縮短到在9分零幾秒/mile的狀態。到比賽前,內心期許在兩小時內完賽,以突破當年的兩小時關卡。

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This is my first time  to attend half marathon in US. At first, I want to keep my running in US, but when jogging with one friend and discussing half marathons, we decided to attend one competition. My friend actually wanted to attend a 10km competition, and then I conviced her to attend half marathon. Finally, we all made it. And in the finish line, they provide beer and wine.

Santa to the sea half marathon's route is to run from some area to the beach. And people can wear constumes. The weather is very cold. It amlost 3 degree C at our start time. Due to the cold weather, I wore two jackets to run the half marathon. 

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This is a lake in the Kirkland, and I took the photo by my ipod touch. I ran along the lake and felt it was so graet. I ran around three miles around 6pm. Because I saw many beautiful sceneries, I didn't mention how fast I ran. When I stopped at the traffic light, I felt dazzled. Although this was not a good experience, I can still imagine the wind, the sunset, and the roads. I was so glad that I visited Seattle in Augest due to the weather. People say it always rains all day in Seattle, and only in Augest people can see the sunshine. I enjoy walking, jogging, and canoeing. 

When I came back to LA, it is little boring that jog on the road. There is not beautiful secenies for me to see, and the climate is so dry. Only funny thing is Youtube office bulit here. It is a part of Google. I ran in the Seattle and passed by the Google company. Now I run in the Los Angles and pass by the relative office. Kind of interesting. 

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