目前分類:Banquet 健脾止瀉 (8)

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This week I got my first adimission from US master program. I cannot express how I felt in the first moment. After that day, suddenly I felt not only happy but also nervous. If I cannot understand what the professor taught or other students do better than me, what can I do? Meanwhile, my sister told me that although my mother felt happy for me, she also felt sad because I will leave her to other country. When I did not get any adimission, the only thought is persuiting my goal. When I got the adimission, other things come to me. Did I make mistakes? Why didn't I feel happy only?


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My best friend got married yesterday, and this was my first time to be a bridesmaid. To make my best friend's wedding ceremony be a wonderful memory, I searched plenty of information. Actually my friend had prepared the ceremony since March, and many people still thought it was too hurry. At that time, I asked my sister and my mother many questions and gave the solutions to Suting. When I saw the wedding ceremony going well, I felt release. 


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This year the first person who celebrated my birthday is my friend in US. He bought me a ipad-mini. At first, he just showed the words in front of the camera, and I thought these words were writen on the paper. Then I found they actually were carved on the ipad-mini. It was a huge surprise, and I was excited. I cannot express how I felt at that moment

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My senior high school's and one of my best friends is getting married, so we prepared a bachelorette party for her. I searched some blogs which talked about their party's content, and I planed one party which is best for all of us. First, I wanted my best friend to gain all bless from us, so I prepare a big card and  polaroid instant camera. Everyone writes some message to Su-Ting and takes picture with Su-Ting, and then pastes the photo on the card. Second, we decorated one friend's living room to celebrate the event. Third, we bought wines, beers, beverages, food, and cookies. Forth, we prepare two cakes which had candles represent Su-Ting's name, always 18 years old, and happy birthday. Most importantly, we let the bride to wear the crown and the bridal veil. To my surprise, the bride wore two stuff all the party time. May our best friend happy together with his husband forever. It is little upset for us to face our friend's wedding because it also means that we cannot meet each other very often after she get married. But, we felt so great to see her marring her loved one.

We are getting old, thus we can support each other and provide more suggetion to each other. Recently I felt so bad, and I also get some support at this party. I love my best friends, and hope we are best friends all of our lives. 

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Today I attended one wedding reception at Kaohsiung, and it is been while from the last time which I attended the reception. Sylvia is one of my ex-colleagues, and when I worked with her, she usually helped me a lot. When I saw her happy face, I really felt happy for her. The reception was held at Hwa-Young. The place also sells high-priced and brand merchandise. In general, their food tasts good, and to my surprise, the red wine tastes so good, and I drank three glasses of red wine. I liked it. The surrounding were on schedule, and I think everyone felt good with the reception.

The wedding reception is simple and full of bliss. The bride prepared a program. She chose her eight friends, and one of these people will draw the bridal bouquet. Interestingly, today the person who drawed the bridal bouquet spilt the bouquet with all of us.She said everyone can share the joy.

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There is my first time to celebrate new year's coming in US. My friend's friend was born in US, and has grown in LA, so she said most people in LA usually go to pubs, drink wine or beer, chat, play gato celebbrate new year's coming. So all of us decide to go to the pub. This night people need to take ID or passport with themselves. Some pubs' managers don't check ID in common days, but in new year eve they will check everyone. Some of famous pubs need to reserve first, or people cannot go inside.   


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Christmas holiday is as important as our Chiense New year, so they provide one free breakfast and one free dinner for workers, and this banquet is like our year end party. Due to my friend working at ICT, I went to grab their breakfast. To my suprisement, there is a harp performance. They provides those high-feet tables, so people stand, eat, and chatting with others. The breakfast tastes good. There are burrito, bread, fruit, and some kinds of beverages. Finally, the most different thing I found every time is people always being used chatting for social purpose here. There are not only one company, so all people try to meet new people in different companies.


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In U.S, many people still keep traditional way to celebrate halloween. It is pumpkin carving. In the beginning of Octber, every time I went to Trade Joe's, lots of pumpkin were outside the store. Actually I see many pumpkin carved are put in front of people's doors. Many children play trick or treat in these houses which decorated as pumpkin, spiderweb, and grave. So we held a pumpkin carving party to celebrate halloween. And a friend baked the cupcake for everybody. She put soft candy on the top of cupcakes, and they looks like warms. Awesome.


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