目前分類:Movies, dramas & Music 益血復脈 (6)

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I was so surprised about the movie named the beach. The movie was filmed at 2000. I am not interested in the movie since the movie was shown up. Until now, my friend, Anna, recommended the movie, I tried to watch the movie. After watching the movie, I felt it was truly a good movie. It contained many meanings, and I am glad that I watch the movie when I am at my age now. If I watched the movie at 2000, I probably felt it were bad movie.

The story talked that when the young guy named Richard traveled to Thailand, he met a person which told Richard there is a secret island. The island is like paradise. Then Richard got the map to the secret island, and he invited his friends who lived in the same hotel to come with him to the island. And the story begins……

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Breaking Bad 是之前在美國火紅的一步美劇,至少當時在美國的自己周遭的人都在觀注這部美劇。


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The song named California Dreamming is appeared in the movie.

Although I heard a lot about the movie, I have not seen the movie until now. Actually I saw part of the movie in US, but it happened during the road trip. I did not saw the entire movie fron beginning to the end.  It is interesting that one foreigner friend recommended the movie to me. Maybe I am not confident with Chinese movies, and maybe I didn't think the story of the movie is attracrive.

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Althoght there is another version of this song, I still want to put the version. In my view, the second part of the song also presents my thought. From last year till now, there were many issues which were discussed a lot. I am so shame on myself because I just did nothing. Like many countries, our government did not do their work well. When I saw our people fighted with each other, I felt so sad. How come the president let his people hurt each other? No matter which side is right, THEY ARE ALL YOUR PEOPLE, don't they? The only thing I saw is all people insist on their own opinion and oppose those who hold different opinion, and our president, could you tell me where are you? Didn't you see that? Our all people get hurt and get blamed only because of you.

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