
My friend says it is the biggest one of outlets in LA. Because my shoes is broken, I visited the oulet and bought one shoes for myself. Most shops have discount for their products, and finally we bought a lot. The prices sometimes drove us crazy to do unbelievable things. I paid 3.99 USD buying one pant. Amazing! It took a whole day to go shopping. A good way to save time is go there earlier or pick some shops. It was my first time, so I visited most shops. I also visited Coach, which my sister favorites. I found some products there looked great, but there is not much discount. Maybe on thanksgiving holiday it would be good price, but I am not sure whether is a good idea to visit outlets on holidays.


The most expensive product is the green shoes which price is 60 USD. But I think it was worthy. It looks great, especially when my friends wears. The purple shoes is mine. It is the latest product, so it took 50 USD. I really love it because there are wool inside the shoes. I feel warm when I wear it during the winter days. Although I spend little money on clothes inTaiwan, the quality of products in US is better than the quality of products in Taiwan. I cannot recommens people to go shopping in outlets because it is an evil thing. But If I have another opportunity to visit there, I would take more money to go.  


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