目前分類:Utah, U.S.A 猶他州, 米國 (2)

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Bryce Canyon National Park is my favorite one in the road trip. From zion national park to Bryce canyon park, the sky became dark eventually, so I didin't feel the scenery at the first sight, and I only felt cold here. But when I woke up in the morning and went outside, suddenly I felt so surprised. It was a white world. The land was covered with snow everywhere. When I talked, I could see some smoke showed up from my mouth. 


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In the end of 2013, my friend held a road trip, started from Dec. 26, and end in Dec. 30. All of us visited four national parks and one famous place which I introduce later. Actually I had been to zion national park last year, but it didn't snow yet in the fall. This year I went to the national park, and it already snowed before. There are many snow coverd with mountain and river beds. It is so different from what I saw last year. 


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