I was so surprised about the movie named the beach. The movie was filmed at 2000. I am not interested in the movie since the movie was shown up. Until now, my friend, Anna, recommended the movie, I tried to watch the movie. After watching the movie, I felt it was truly a good movie. It contained many meanings, and I am glad that I watch the movie when I am at my age now. If I watched the movie at 2000, I probably felt it were bad movie.

The story talked that when the young guy named Richard traveled to Thailand, he met a person which told Richard there is a secret island. The island is like paradise. Then Richard got the map to the secret island, and he invited his friends who lived in the same hotel to come with him to the island. And the story begins……

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Stanford University 創辦於1891年,創辦人當初是因為紀念他們的而子而創立這間學校。故在校園旁,有紀念這對父母及他兒子的雕像,還有他兒子的陵墓。陵墓附近還有著名雕塑「Angle of Grief」。

學校內還有Cantor Arts Center,裡面共有27間展覽室,主要展出歐洲、亞洲、美洲、大洋洲等現代藝術及畫作,裡面也包含史丹佛家族自家收藏品。另外這藝術中心收藏著羅丹兩百多件的雕塑創作,在學校內的加萊義民也是羅丹作品。

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85%黑巧克力 300g

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原本打算跟在紐約的朋友逛哥倫比亞大學及共進晚餐後,一同享受國慶煙火。未料紐約朋友展現地主熱情,整天都安排妥當,讓外來遊客的兩人有種只要緊跟別人身後的輕鬆寫意。哥倫比亞大學非常漂亮,朋友說到哥倫比亞大學以新聞系最出名,故至今Pulitzer Prize的頒獎典禮都在這。由於紐約是金融中心,這裡也常舉辦相關演講。哥倫比亞大學雖說腹地不大,卻是紐約碩果僅存的整塊校園並非拼湊而成。現任美國總統歐巴馬也是此校校友。


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