
Christmas holiday is as important as our Chiense New year, so they provide one free breakfast and one free dinner for workers, and this banquet is like our year end party. Due to my friend working at ICT, I went to grab their breakfast. To my suprisement, there is a harp performance. They provides those high-feet tables, so people stand, eat, and chatting with others. The breakfast tastes good. There are burrito, bread, fruit, and some kinds of beverages. Finally, the most different thing I found every time is people always being used chatting for social purpose here. There are not only one company, so all people try to meet new people in different companies.


The dinner's style is different from the breakfast's. They hold the banquent in the reataurant, not inside the company building. Most people dress up to the banquent, so my friend's friend help me to make up. They provide salads, potatos, chickens, beefs, and many kinds of desserts. There is a bar where people can get red wine, white wine, beers, and juices.  At first, I think it would like buffet, but actually there are not much food. I think it is better because wasting food is bad.  The photo booth is very fun. My friend says they provide different program, and this year they provide a photo booth. Everyone can take photos with the properties. I think people love those interesting properties because they don't only smile and stand in front of the camera. 


I think the karaoke is also popular in US. Only kids sing in front of all people, and other people don't want to sing. Neither do I. The problem is not singing in front of people, but singing English song. I can imagine that I would be embarrassed.

Actually it is not a party for young people, so it wouldn't be crazy. That is great. Some people go back to work on their stuff after dinner. There I usually listen others chatting, and I still try to realize the way of people thinking. It is not a culture shock, and I think the way of westen education makes them so different from us. Not only apprences but also thoughts, are totally different. I am learning, still.  

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