
Today I attended one wedding reception at Kaohsiung, and it is been while from the last time which I attended the reception. Sylvia is one of my ex-colleagues, and when I worked with her, she usually helped me a lot. When I saw her happy face, I really felt happy for her. The reception was held at Hwa-Young. The place also sells high-priced and brand merchandise. In general, their food tasts good, and to my surprise, the red wine tastes so good, and I drank three glasses of red wine. I liked it. The surrounding were on schedule, and I think everyone felt good with the reception.

The wedding reception is simple and full of bliss. The bride prepared a program. She chose her eight friends, and one of these people will draw the bridal bouquet. Interestingly, today the person who drawed the bridal bouquet spilt the bouquet with all of us.She said everyone can share the joy.

In fact, we tried to wear costume which code is black. I did not want everyone worry the costume so much, so I decideded it will be okay that anything is on your body and other people can see it. And the result is not so good. If someone wants to do the same thing, he probably need to be strict in requirment. I think.






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