學校提供無限次搭乘VTA 輕軌或者VTA 公車免費,於是就趁新生座談結束之後,想估量看學校搭車回家總共要花多少時間。車站的長相跟一般公車站相差無誤,基本上還蠻多個車站是跟公車站共用一個平台,買票的方式則是旁邊有購票機器,自行購票之後會有購票證明。
Because the university provides students unlimited rides on VTA buses and light rail anytime during the validation, I decided to estimate how much time it take from the university to my home after the orientation. The light rail stations look the same as other regular bus stops, and most of them usually occupy the same place. If people want to take light rail, just go to ticket machines and buy pay money. Then people get the proof of fare.
Light rail is kind of like the train, but it can driven on roads. There is usually two or three rail carriages, and people can take their bicycles on the light rail. Unbelievable it also provides free wifi. Basically, when boarding, people do not show the proof for specific person and only prepare the proof in case someone wants to check. When people want to exit the rail, just touch the bell on the wall of rail carriages, then the driver will stop it next stop.
Taking the light rail to the school is initially an option for me, but now I think maybe it is the best choice.