Strictly Speaking, there are many restaurants here, and I didn't taste all of them. Korean food, Japanese food, and Taiwanese food. Because little osaka is not far from where I stayed, I usually go there to grab some food if I want to eat out. In US, many people use "yelp" app to search good restaurants. My friend decided which one we can go by yelp. The way to use app is a good choice, and actually sometimes the restaurants which tour books recommend are not good.
The above photo was taken in Seoul House of Tofu, and I also tried the other one named " Tofu Ya." Tofu Ya provides sides which are little different from Seoul Tofu, but generally speaking, I like both. Some friends say the best tofu pot is in Korean Town. Anyway, if someone comes to sawtelle, he\she can choose one of them. They are both good and not land mines.
The first one is "Sushi stop", and the second one is "Hide sushi. "Sushi stop" reminds me the restaurant "爭鮮" in Taiwan. Every dish is 2.75 USD. Few of them cost higher prices. Actually I think people who love sushi can go the one. It is not too expensive, and it tasts okay. Most importantly, their Udon tasts good, and fill my stomach. Acoording to yelp app, the second one won the good repute. It is also good, and its hot tea is free. When people go to Japanese restaurants, hot tea is not always free. The third one is Furaibo. Last year it tastes good, but it is expensive. This year I didn't try it because its owner was changed. People said it is not as good as usual.
There are four restaurants which sell ramen. People can see Ramen Battle here, I think. Four restaurants are all famous, and I cannot say which one is best. The first one is Shin-Sen-Gumi Hakata Ramen. The restaurant also open in little Tokyo. The second one is Tsujita LA. The forth one is also Tsujita LA, but they sell different flavor and noodles. Actually my friend and I like the forth one than the second one. The third one is DAIKOKUYA Ramen, and this one also opens in little Tokyo. For me, I think the four restaurants are all good. And no matter what you want to go, you will need to wait. What is more, I and my friend also tried ramen reataurant named Yamasaya Ramen and Santouka Ramen. The last one is famous in Taipei. I feel they are different from each others. I just feel that many ramen restaurants in LA.
Finally, there is a Taiwanes restaurant named ROC. Very interesting name. Actually the restaurant which American friends recommend me, and I without their recommendation, I cannot find this one. Its style is like "鼎泰豐." There are two drink shop here, and CoCo comes from Taiwan. How wonderful it is. I usually go there and buy drinks. There is also one store named Blockheads Shavery Company which sell shived ice. I love it. After having lunch or dinner, enjoying the shived ice is so awesome.