
I have no idea about Logos Hope. The first time I heard the term was one patient's mother asking how to go to Tainan's port. When having lunch with my friends, they talked about the ship. One of my friends already visited before, and she said it was like a bookstore. As others did not visit it, we went there after our afternoon tea.  The amount of people are unpredictable large. We were not sure if it is a good choice to line up. Then, we started to line and line and line... It almost took us two hours to board. From the sunset to the moon, we did see different views of the ship.


The fee is NTD 20. It was like what my friend said. It was a bookstore. Maybe taking another view, we can still call it  the library at sea. It takeopes 20 NTD for all people to read books on the ship. It truly bring knowledge and hope. The only one disadvantage is that when many people are on the ship, it is very hard for people to read. When I was on the ship, I felt hot, crowded, and noisy. Maybe the ship can stay more days to disperse the crowd. For me, it was a experience about Logos Hope. I do not think it is worth a visit when too many people lining up.


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