別煩憂,開心就好 作者 江國香織


夜火車 作者徐則臣



Recently I also read some Japanese novels, such as "藍寶石" or "不中用的我仰望天空." In the past, I really liked to read Japanese novels, but now I feels little interested in reading them. I think that "別煩憂,開心就好" is okay to read. The story talked about three sisters how to deal with their relationships. Althought they all came from the same family, they have different points to face everything. Their parents' divorce made some impact on their thoughts about relationship. In these days, after reading Japanese novels, I want to stop reading Japanese novels. Maybe I always focus on some Japanese authors or some fixed topics, thus I felt some bored. Really need to find some different Japanese authors.  

"夜火車" is a good book for people to read. The story begined with that one student wanted to traval by train and needed money, but his parents did not give him money. Then the man lied to his parents by saying that he killed someone. His parents comfess their son's crime to the polices. Althought the student explained thousands times, His dipolma was detained by the school, actually by his teacher. In the end of the story, the person still go somewhere by train, and this time he cannot but go out because he really killed his friend. 

The book was impressive for me because of his characters. Every characters played an important role in the story. First of all, 陳木年, the student. He studies hard, and if he didn't lie, he will get one graduate program. But he failed. Because he came from the straightforward family, he did not suspect whether the school can detain his diploma. He also appreciated his teacher, 沈慕白 because his teacher encouraged him to do research and not to give up. He regards his teacher as an idol. That is why he felt angry when he found his teacher betrayed him. Why did his teacher do that? It invoked another story about his teacher and his teacher's friend, 許如竹.

I do not want to introduce every characters here, and I really want to say that the story expressed his history, his background, and his social principle. It sometimes looks like Taiwan. Sometimes someone wants to be successful, he need more help from others. Here, I mean, mepotism. It is no doubt that some people can be successful by their efforts, but it is believed that some people can be successful because of their social network. Also, someone cannot be successful because he offended someone that has the right to influence him. No judgement, if I have strong social network, I will make best use of them. 

Interestingly, these outlooks will appear in Chinese novels, not in Taiwanese novels. Maybe it is hard to express in public. However, I think it is like an hidden rule. People in Taiwan still do that, but they also want to pretend not to do that. And people accept the rule, so they don't argue it through writing novels. 

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